
We’ve hit half a million sign-ups!

We’re thrilled to announce a huge new milestone: over 500,000 people have now signed up to Monese!

By Mihnea on July 24, 2018

Half Million Signups

We’re thrilled to announce that over 500,000 people have now signed up to Monese! This is a huge milestone in our quest to provide next-generation financial services to the world’s ‘unstoppables’, those whose ambitions take them around the world for work.

To give you a bit of perspective, 500,000 is more than:

  • 5 times the capacity of London’s Wembley Stadium
  • the entire population of the country of Malta
  • all of last year’s take-offs and landings at Frankfurt Airport

To mark the occasion, we thought we’d share some insight into how Monesers from across 31 different countries use their accounts...

Salary Deposits Blog

Top Mobile

Favourite Supermarket Blog

Average Countries Blog

Top Country Referrals Blog

Direct Debits Blog

Top Phone Blog

Exceeding 500,000 sign-ups is a feat we’re really proud of - and with this momentous milestone now disappearing rapidly into the rear-view mirror, now seems like a good time to say a great big Monese thank you to all of our customers.

Thank you for your glowing reviews. Thank you for the invaluable user feedback. Thank you for mamaging your money with us - and being the bedrock of everything we do. We couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you lovely Monesers. You’re one in (half) a million.

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