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Travel do’s and don’ts from Monesers

How to make the most of any trip with these helpful spending tips

Mathilde um February 23, 2020

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Whether you’re travelling on business, to visit family or discover new places, it’s easy to fall into money traps while on holiday and overspend. If you aren’t careful, you could end up with an unpleasant surprise when you return home, after calculating how much you’ve actually spent! To avoid this, we’ve gathered the ultimate travel do’s and don’ts for all your adventures.

1. Don’t overpack

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When going on holiday, travellers tend to bring more than they need. However, this is something you want to do your best to avoid. Marina, Content & Community Manager suggests that while on vacation, you also “shouldn’t buy things you don't need because you won’t have enough space in your luggage afterwards’’. Not only does this tip help you save money, but it also prevents you from paying for overweight baggage on your return trip home.

So to help you avoid buying too much while on your trip, a brilliant feature Monesers love is the spending overview feature. It helps many of us keep control of our finances, know precisely when we’re spending and where our money is going. “I can check my spending during holidays and avoid any unpleasant surprises once I’m home”, says Piia, our Paid Media Specialist.

2. Do budget

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Before travelling, always remember to have a look at your account limits to ensure you will be prepared for all your expenses. Set a budget and stick to it as best you can. You may also find that your current Monese plan and account limits won’t be enough to cover all your financial needs while on holiday. In this case, Mathilde, Content and Community Manager offers a solid solution: “You can always upgrade your Monese plan and then, if you want, downgrade once you’re back home”. When you upgrade your plan, you’ll never be locked in for more than a month, and you can easily change it any time.

3. Don’t travel with wads of cash

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Not only is it dangerous but it will also save you time on the logistics of it all. Michael, Head of Market Development, says “If you use your card to pay, don’t ever opt for the dynamic currency conversion offered at ATM or POS terminals abroad they’re a rip-off! Always pay in the local currency (not yours) and have Monese take care of the foreign currency exchange for much better rates.”

Monica, Community Lead agrees: “My Monese card is handy when I vacation due to the high foreign exchange rates I avoid”, she said. “As someone who hates handling cash, I use my card to pay virtually anywhere local shops, restaurants and museums”.

With your Monese card, you get money-saving exchange rates and worldwide ATM withdrawals with fee-free allowances. This is particularly useful in countries where fees can be shockingly significant. “Germany is annoyingly cash-centric, and ATM withdrawal fees are at least 2–3%”, says Data Scientist Solomiya. Michael added “Withdrawing cash locally without paying fees, at a great exchange rate, is extremely convenient for me as I travel all the time”.

4. Do have a back-up card

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Another good financial trip tip is brought to us by Piia, who reminds us to “pack back-up cards in case of an emergency”. If you have an extra Monese card, you can easily move money around instantly between your accounts. You can also add money to your account by debit card or bank transfer. “Having the ability to add money straight away to my account is reassuring”, adds Solomiya. “I don’t have to add a large amount of money all at once before travelling, so it’s stress-free”.

5. Do stay safe

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If you happen to misplace your Monese card while abroad, there are a few security measures you should take immediately. First, lock your card on the app. This way, if someone tries to use your card, they won’t be able to complete any purchases. The app will also immediately tell you about any unsuccessful transaction attempts. Marina said “I like to lock my card when I'm travelling - I feel safer”.

For extra safety and to avoid fraud while vacationing, you can also use Apple Pay or Google Pay for a quick and secure way to pay. Both are accepted globally, and purchases are made with just a tap of your phone at any vendor, transport terminal, shop or hotel that accepts contactless payments. “Paying with my phone is particularly reassuring because I don’t share my actual card details with any merchants”, commented Solomiya.

With these expert tips, you're all set for your next trip. Don’t forget to share with us any holiday snaps featuring your Monese card. Send your photos to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the #MyMonese hashtag. We’d love to hear how your Monese card helped you on your travels!

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