Need help?
Here’s what to do
Have a question?
Our FAQs are filled with tons of answers to common questions. For a speedy solution, this is the best place to start!
Get in-app support
Did you know you can talk to us straight from your app? Just tap on the top left-hand icon in your app then ‘Get help’. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, it’s easy to start an in-app chat with us.
Our service status
For the most up-to-date information on the functionality of our service, our service status will keep you in the know.
Use your app in your language
Talk to our multilingual Support team and use your app in 15 languages: English, French, German, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Bulgarian, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Polish, Czech, Turkish, Estonian, Lithuanian and Ukrainian.
Contact us
If you have any questions, find out all the ways you can get in touch with our Support team.