
Your March monthly update

Nothing’s stopping us from bringing you the best features to keep your money moving

Melissa em March 26, 2020

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Despite everything going on right now, one thing you can always be certain of and continue to count on is your account with Monese and our dedicated service to you. We’ve been as busy as ever to bring new features to your app nothing’s slowing us down! So without further ado, here’s everything we’ve been up to.

Create and manage business invoices

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If you have a Monese business account, you can now easily handle your company’s billings right from the comfort of your smartphone, by creating and managing invoices from the app! When you’ve entered all the details of the invoice, you’ll be able to send the invoice to your client straight away or save it as a draft for later. All your invoices both drafts and those already paid will be available for you at any time directly in the Monese app.

In case you missed it...


If you need to send, request or receive money from your friends and family during this difficult time, you can easily do so with our money-saving international transfer service. With your Monese app, you can send fast international transfers, often with much better exchange rates than when using traditional banks. And if you’re sending between Monese accounts, your transfer is totally free and instant (no matter the currency).


Many people are spending their time indoors these days. With all the extra time inside the house, it’s easy to go a little nuts shopping online. Make sure, though, that you’re still sticking to your budget and not overspending. This is easy to do with our spending overview feature and budgeting tools. Create monthly or weekly budgets for yourself and gain insight and a clear breakdown of your spending, so you know where your money is going.

And finally...

Other enhancements this month include 89 bug fixes and improvements - here are some of them:

  • Our Monese Hub got a makeover, so it’s easier to discover and explore our best partner offers.
  • If you live in the Czech Republic, Croatia or Slovakia you can now add your Monese cards to Google Pay.
  • We’ve also made improvements to our Frequently Asked Questions section, so it’s easier to find what you’re looking for.

We’re always looking to upgrade our product and service for you. That’s why we want to hear your feedback and ideas. Feel free to get in touch on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or via email at to share your thoughts.

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